The Cauldron 2

A re-attempt of a Tavern design, hence the '2'.

A modern-day tavern where all your meals and beverages are alchemically prepared. A boutique section near entrance, showcasing Owner's past/used glamours.

Open Weeknights till Midnight GMT+8
Venue will be dimmed if Owner is unavailable

Do use our tag #thecauldron2 if you would like to share your GPOSES on Twitter, Instagram, etc.

Our Location

Tonberry Mist

Ward 3 The Topmast Room 25

Previously located at an FC Estate Private Chamber, The Cauldron has shifted to an Apartment for easier access

The Team

Ando Thawdocks – Owner

Shy owner who's working on his/her confidence in-game. This tavern currently serves as a great platform for owner to work on it.

